Saturday, June 5, 2010

Some Super Advice on the Point of Relationships

People need experience, not with serving one another and servicing them, but they need exposure to love. Love is a universal thing, and while some love is eternal, we all need experience with the fleeting to truly appreciate that which ends up persisting.

I have entered into relationships sheerly for pleasure. A fling. Was it fun? Yes. Did I learn things about love that I did not know before? Yes. Did I know it would not last? Yes. Am I a better and stronger person for it? Absolutely.

Saying that you should only dedicate yourself to one woman and one man is, while virtuous, completely impractical and unrealistic. You need experience, and to do that, you need to share love. Love is not a thing to be selfishly guarded by a 'godly' couple in a self-righteous fashion.


Because it is pride, it is ego, and it is just spiteful. Give your love, and your love will give back.

Love does not always work forever. People have falling outs, but in these times it is not a book of proverbs or a godly spirit which will keep them together and truly happy, but remembering why they truly fell in love with one another in the first place.

I am not defending divorce. If you divorce, you probably should not have gotten married in the first place. But to be honest we can not say for everyone, because the whole world is unique and each situation must be approached for what it is, not what something else is.

While things like the Bible and self-help books do help in times of need for advice, quoting them and living by only those sorts of advices does not make you smarter in the ways of love. And all it really tends to do is raise up your arrogance and ego in an unrealistic way. People who have truly studied these words and practiced them for years can talk with such a positions, but it is still avarice and arrogance and should not be practiced. When you allow your words and study to become your actions, then you do what is truly intended by these books and ideas.

Love, above all, is to be shared. Whether by man and woman, woman and woman, man and man, or many different combinations in varying numbers.

But the point of love, true, absolute, splendid love, is not to be godly and selfish with it. The point of love is spreading the true happiness which emanates from the presence of your union with your fellow man. This type of love shines like a beacon and fills all the facets of your life with warmth that touches people and inspires them to do the same.

But getting there is a long path. And it is not filled with you setting yourself up for failure by only dating people you will marry. This is not to say excessive, slutty whoring is the way to find true love. You must choose what helps you grow, as any good person. Devote yourself to finding the love you have for everyone and it will be returned in the most wonderful of ways.

You will not find love in the pages of a book, only the suggestion of it. Stop reading, stop watching TV, stop wasting your life, and instead think about how you can love other people.

It begins simply.

Instead of making comments about how bad a person looks, take time out of your day to compliment people about how well they did something, or how nice they look today. If you compliment others, then you are brightened as well. Trust me, it works.

Do not pigeon hole yourself when looking for one type of romance. Do not say "I want a boy who drives a fast car and has sexy hair" because that is limiting, and when the boy who comes along and really cares about you with all his heart, you may not see him. This goes for men too. In love, never limit, always open.

Just because someone does not agree with you or do the same things as you or like the same things as you does not mean that love cannot thrive between you two. My girlfriend and I are very different people, but our two year anniversary is coming up soon, and I still love her more and more each day than I ever thought could be possible.

You must allow yourself to fall into love. Often when you actively seek love, you smolder it with expectations, as I have stated. So allow it to come to you. When someone asks you on a date, do not stick your nose up and say "you are not the person I will marry," and then turn them down. Say yes. Fine, so you may not merry them. But your night of possible happiness will allow you to grow in your love and experience. And even if it was terrible you can still look back, laugh at it, and grow from the mistake it was.

Love is about finding the way to make everyone happier. It, like most of life, is a passage of growth that will ultimately shine out to those around you as well as between the romance you breath into your own life. When you allow yourself to truly love, not in a Christian, or Muslim, or arranged, or loose way, but truly find the love in each person you come across, then the real romance of your life will open up. No matter what course love takes you, if you are happy, then that is your path.

People must have experience to grow. So stop limiting yourself, get out there, meet people, and love.

Love, and you will prosper.

1 comment:

  1. Damn. This is heavy. And I totally agree.

    Thank you for posting this, Jack. I believe I may just share this with some friends of mine. Giving you full credit, of course,
