Monday, May 31, 2010


Read it. Because as much fun as it is to be a real life super villain this is often what it inspires. Now, I doubt the people of R.O.A.C.H. actually had anything to do with it, but if someone did then there is serious trouble brewing in our community.

It is at times like this when we need to remember one thing, though, and that is our clarity of mind. Escalation in anything is a dangerous path to walk, and when you start down that road it can end up destroying a person. If we, as a community, seek retribution and start antagonizing our villainous friends for something they probably have little connection to, then we become our own enemy. I look at the posts people have made from within our community, talking about anger, talking about revenge, and I can already see trouble brewing. Because the point of this attack is a response.

This is how escalation is played. One person baits another via an attack, in order to see how far they are willing to go to retaliate. If we retaliate and act out against our friends in R.O.A.C.H. then the person who has done this crime will have succeeded in doing what they wished to accomplish.

Whether a member of R.O.A.C.H. did this or not should not change how we treat them. The people I have talked to have no connection or knowledge of the event, and are good people who only want to make us better. We need them, and they need us. We are a community, and we should not use this as an excuse to further draw apart.

Gone are the times of petty arguing and anger. This is an attack against R.O.A.C.H. as much as it is against the RLSH, and we all will know that. For now is a time of understanding and solidarity in the face of some jackass who thought they could tear us apart.

We are people who help, anyway you look at it. Give into the desired escalation, and we destroy, not create. Let us rise up, solve this crime, and remember who we are.

Let us unite.


  1. There are several people from R.O.A.C.H. that I enjoy the company of. This terrible situation smears the innocent as well as the guilty unfairly. I hope that the real perpetrator is found, not only so that justice is done, but to clear the innocent as well.

  2. I have no friends in ROACH nor do I want or will ever want nay. That being said, I count both Mr. Jack and Silver Sentinel as being a much better person than I think I could ever be in this regard. I don't think that ROACH members were directly involved in this either - for the most part they have kept within the confines of talking alot of shit. There is one thing though that I kinda disagree with both of you on to a degree. I think ROACH does bear a level of responsibility in this. They have, for a long time now, resorted to a constant flow of hate festering, ridicule, and slander/libelism against the RLSH. They have inspired this through their often irresponsible behavior. THe RLSH are not perfect but the RLSV / ROACH need to check their egos and how they are doing things. How long will it be before they inspire some wacko out there to commit a physical assualt. The mere thought of this irks me.

  3. There is a huge difference between inspiring someone and directly telling them to do something. You could also say Marylin Manson caused Columbine, gansta rap causes kids to join gangs, and action movies cause people to act violently, all because these things "inspired" someone, but that doesn't make it true or really anything other than a flimsy shaking finger pointing at the group you dislike so much. No one put a gun to this kid's head and told him/her to vandal Zeta's car.

    "How long will it before they inspire some wacko out there to commit a physical assault" I could say the same for the capes talking about 'taking back the streets'. Don't take sides, little mouse. It's not befitting of people that crowd themselves in with the "good guys".

    Also, the reason you don't have any friends in we villains is through your own actions and choices.

  4. I do agree with you there, but that would be inevitable anyway you look at it. Some wacko out there may one day be inspired to hurt us, but saying that it would happen entirely because of ROACH or saying it would not happen if the RLSV stopped is a fallacy. It is like blaming violence on video games. Sure, some kid probably was inspired by a video game to commit violence, but there are other inspirations. We cannot hold violent video games as being responsible for violence emulating them because the person emulating them would have found another inspiration if the video game did not exist.

    Violence looks for excuses. Whether it is by ROACH or by a video game or by a comic book it does not matter. It is not the excuse that matters, but the real reason it was done. The person doing it in this case was most likely a capital douche with too much time on their hands looking to piss of a group of people they did not fully understand for shits and giggles.

    That is all.

    Just because they wrote ROACH on the note only means that they did their research and sought to turn us against one another. We cannot hold them liable in any way. These things happen, and are bound to. And we must face the real cause and perpetrator when they are caught.

  5. Well as I said on my blog and here I seriously doubt that a real ROACH member had anything to do with this. ROACH in general are chronic internet nuisances in my book but I doubt they would commit to true criminal behavior in the name of the ROACH organization itself (although White Skull did say that there was some coercion placed upon him in this regard at one time.) That being said however, the continued verbal assaults, mudslinging, and manner by which ROACH and their allies sometimes berate the RLSH has obviously contributed indirectly to this attack/criminal act in some form or another.

    And Malvado, in light of what happened my question about how long it might be before the attacks/actions against the RLSH escalate is a perfectly valid question. Turning it around and trying to twist it as you have does not detract from it's validity as much as you might want it to. You yourself sent me a sarcastic message to my blog recently, almost gloating about how you were a violent ex-felon and FORMER Skinhead and you have already said that you condone the use of violence. So in this respect my question is all the more valid if for example it was applied using you as the subject.

    I would also disagree on the reason I have no friends within the villain ranks. Thru your actions and those hate mongerers that you side with against me and close friends of mine you have earned the enmity you get at least from me. Merely because other people are more forgiving of what you do does not make it right. Do not confuse tolerance with acceptance. One is not necessarily the other.

    And I agree with you Mr. Jack. As much as I do not like ROACH or their wanna be villain followers this attack seems alot more like some schmuck INSPIRED BY ROACH and using ROACH as a front for their actions. I hope they catch the bastard/bastards who did it. I am happy that Zetaman has said he will not be cowed into submission or quitting by this act and that it only strengthens his resolve. I find that stance very admirable.

  6. That "sarcastic" comment you never allowed to be posted was me offering the olive branch to you, but instead you once again seem to take more pleasure in airing out peoples dirty laundry than you do making any form of progress through peace. I could say a ton of things right now, my little rodent fiend, but this topic isn't about you or I. You never will learn, will you?

  7. Malvado, you are right. This is not about you or me. But for allow me to step back and offer you this sliver of something to think about. When you offered me the supposed olive branch, did you ever think about why I rejected it. In case you didn't here is why and SERIOUSLY, this is not me bashing you. This is me explaining myself with brutal honesty that I think you would appreciate.

    What in the past between us would make me believe it was sincere? Given your hateful blogs that have focused so much energy on villifying me and people who I consider friends, where within all of that would you possibly think that enough of a level of trust was formed for me to believe that you were being honest in trying to reach some form of peace. How do I know that you are not trying to play me? Come on man, seriously stop for a second and think about it.

    Peace has alot to do with trust. Trust is grounded in respect. And for the record, I take no pleasure in saying some of the things I do but I take even less pleasure seeing my friends treated like scum so I do what you and alot of other people do... I react.

    I am thankful that we do agree on one thing apparently. Whoever did this to Zetaman is a scumbag and they need to get caught and held accountable. Beyond all the bullshit between me, you, or any other RLSH or RLSV, that's what is really important about all of this.
